Government Recognised Computer Training Institute

Master in Full Stack Development Course

HITMI’s Master in Full Stack Development course offers an advanced and comprehensive curriculum designed to make you an expert in web development. From mastering multiple programming languages to understanding full-stack frameworks and database management, we cover all critical aspects of building sophisticated and scalable web applications.

As the need for highly skilled Full Stack developers grows, our master’s course opens doors to prestigious career opportunities. Our intensive training approach ensures you’re job-ready in just one year, guided by top industry professionals. Join us at HITMI in Mumbai and embark on your journey to becoming a masterful Full Stack Developer.

Benefits Obtained :

About Full Stack Development Course

HITMI’s Master in Full Stack Development course provides an in-depth and extensive curriculum designed to elevate your web development skills to an expert level. You’ll explore various programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and PHP, delve into frameworks like React, Angular, Django, and Laravel, and master database management with MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. Our course ensures you gain comprehensive knowledge and skills across both front-end and back-end technologies.

With the growing demand for expert Full Stack developers, we offer rigorous training that prepares you for top-tier job roles in just two year. You’ll work on over 20 real-world projects, creating a robust portfolio that highlights your abilities. Guided by leading industry professionals, you’ll receive personalized feedback and an industry-recognized certification upon completion.

Whether you’re an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills or a newcomer aiming for an advanced career in web development, our flexible curriculum caters to diverse learning objectives. You’ll gain expertise in front-end, back-end, and middleware development technologies, making you a versatile and highly sought-after developer. Don’t miss the opportunity to reach the pinnacle of your career with HITMI’s Master in Full Stack Development course.

What you'll learn

This course includes

Course Curriculum


Introduction to Programming

  • Understanding Programming
  • Basics of Computer Programs

Building Logic

  • Fundamentals of Logical Thinking
  • Basic Logic Structures

Overview of Computer Languages

  • High-Level vs. Low-Level Languages
  • Popular Programming Languages
  • Introduction to Syntax

Introduction to Operating Systems

  • What is an Operating System?
  • Types of Operating Systems
  • Interaction Between Programs and OS

Introduction to Flowcharts

  • Basics of Flowcharts
  • Creating Flowcharts

Algorithm & pseudo-code

  • What is an Algorithm?
  • What is a pseudocode

Advanced Flowchart Concepts

  • Complex Flowchart Structures
  • Flowchart Best Practices

Integration of Logic and Flowcharts

  • Translating Flowcharts to Code

Practical Exercises

  1. Introduction to C Programming
  2. Program Structure
  3. Basic Syntax
  4. C Variables Data Types
  5. Constants and Literals
  6. Storage Classes
  7. Operators
  8. Decision Making
  9. Functions
  10. Arrays
  11. Pointers
  12. Structure
  13. Unions
  14. Typedef
  15. Input and Output
  16. File I/O
  17. Command Line Arguments
  18. Error Handling
  19. Memory Management
  1. Introduction to C++
  2. C++ Basic Syntax
  3. C++ Data Types
  4. Variables and Its Scope
  5. Constants and Literals
  6. Modifiers
  7. Storage Classes
  8. Operators
  9. Loops Types
  10. Decision Making
  11. Numbers
  12. Arrays, String
  13. Pointers, References
  14. Date & Time
  15. Basic Input and Output
  16. Data Structures
  17. OOPs Concepts with C++
  18. Files & Streams
  19. Exception Handling
  20. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  21. Name spacing in C++
  22. Templates, Pre-processor
  23. Multi-Threading

Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming

  • Classes and Objects
    • Defining classes and objects with real-world analogies
    • Syntax for creating classes and objects
    • Examples: creating and using classes and objects in a simple program
  • Member Variables
    • Exploring instance variables and their scope
    • Practical examples of defining and using instance variables

Variables and Functions in OOP

  • Static Variables
    • Understanding static variables and their scope
    • Examples: defining and using static variables in classes
  • Local Variables and Object Functions
    • Defining local variables and understanding their scope
    • Object functions: syntax and usage
    • Examples: writing methods within a class and using them

Access Specifiers

  • Access Specifiers Overview
    • Detailed explanation of private, protected, public, and default/internal specifiers
    • Syntax and usage in different OOP languages
  • Practical Examples
    • Implementing access specifiers in a class
    • Examples: scenarios demonstrating the appropriate use of each specifier

Core Concepts of OOP

  • Basis Characteristics of OOP
    • Encapsulation: hiding internal state and requiring all interaction to be performed through an object’s methods
    • Inheritance: creating new classes from existing ones
    • Polymorphism: methods to do different things based on the object it is acting upon
    • Abstraction: focusing on essential qualities rather than specific characteristics
  • Deep Dive into Abstraction
    • Understanding abstraction in depth
    • Examples: using abstract classes and methods in OOP

Advanced Concepts of OOP

  • Interfaces
    • Defining and understanding interfaces
    • Differences between interfaces and abstract classes
    • Syntax and implementation in various OOP languages
  • Practical Use of Interfaces
    • Implementing interfaces in classes
    • Examples: real-world scenarios and use cases for interfaces

Organizing Code in OOP

    • Packages and Namespaces
      • Definition and purpose of using packages/namespaces
      • Organizing classes and code into packages
      • Syntax and examples in different OOP languages
    • Practical Examples
      • Creating and using packages/namespaces in a project
      • Examples: importing classes
  • Introduction to data structures
  • Arrays and linked lists
  • Stacks and queues
  • Hashing and hash tables
  • Trees, heaps and priority queues
  • Graphs
  • Searching and sorting algorithms
  • Recursion and backtracking
  • Greedy algorithms
  • Graph and string algorithms

Introduction to the Web

  • Weaving the World Wide Web
  • Web-Introduction & Internet-Based Services
  • Introduction to WWW
  • Client-Server Architecture

HTML Basics

  • HTML Structure
  • Page Information
  • HTML Tags, Attributes and Elements
  • First Web Page: Hello World!
  • Text Formatting Tags
  • Block Elements
  • Document Structure
  • Format Tags

Advanced HTML

  • Image Tag
  • Anchor Tag
  • Lists
  • Table Structure
  • HTML5 Forms
  • HTML Semantic Elements
  • Multimedia

Advanced HTML5

    • HTML5 Canvas & Graphics
    • HTML5 Geolocation

CSS Basics

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Introduction to Selectors
  • Combinator Selectors
  • Combinator Selectors
  • Pseudo-elements Selectors
  • Attribute Selectors
  • CSS Lists & Tables

CSS Properties

  • Text Properties
  • CSS Unit Types
  • Box Properties
  • Shadow Properties
  • Background Properties
  • Float and Clear
  • Position Properties
  • Display Properties

Responsive Design

  • What is a Responsive Page?
  • Meta Viewport
  • Media Queries
  • Responsive Images
  • Flexbox Layout
  • Grid Layout

Advanced CSS

  • CSS3 2D & 3D Transforms
  • CSS3 Transitions & Animations
  • CSS3 Multiple Columns
  • CSS3 User Interface

Project and Assignment


·         Introduction to JavaScript

·         JavaScript Basics

·         Control Flow

·         Arrays

·         Functions

·         Objects

·         Built-in Objects

·         Error Handling

·         JavaScript OOP

·         ES6 Features

·         Browser Object Model (BOM)

·         Document Object Model (DOM)

·         Event Handling

·         Modules and Collections

·         Modern JavaScript

·         Asynchronous JavaScript

·         Web APIs

·         Projects and assignments

Project and Assignment


Introduction to TypeScript

  • What is TypeScript?

  • Getting Started with TypeScript

Basic Concepts

  • Type Annotations

  • Variables and Constants

  • Functions

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Abstraction

  • Encapsulation

  • Inheritance

  • Polymorphism

Advanced Types

  • Interfaces and Type Aliases

  • Classes and Objects

  • Generics

Advanced Features

  • Enums

  • Modules

  • Namespaces

  • Decorators

Error Handling

Design Patterns

Project and Assignment


Introduction to jQuery

  • Overview of jQuery

  • Setting Up jQuery

Basic Concepts

  • Understanding the jQuery Syntax

  • The Document Ready Event

Selecting Elements with jQuery

DOM Manipulation

  • Getting and Setting Content

  • Manipulating CSS

  • DOM Insertion, Around, and Removal

Event Handling

  • jQuery Event Methods

  • Common Events

  • Event Delegation

  • Event Object

Effects and Animations

  • Showing and Hiding Elements

  • Fading Elements

  • Sliding Elements

  • Custom Animations

  • Stopping Animations

AJAX with jQuery

  • Introduction to AJAX

  • The $.ajax() Method

  • Simplified AJAX Methods

  • Handling JSON Data

  • Working with Forms and AJAX

  • Handling AJAX Errors

Traversing the DOM

  • Traversing Up, Down, and Sideways

  • Filtering

  • Chaining Methods

jQuery Utilities

  • Working with Data

  • Miscellaneous Utilities


  • Understanding jQuery Plugins

  • Using jQuery UI

  • Other Popular Plugins

Advanced Topics

  • Deferred Objects and Promises

  • Custom Events

  • Namespaced Events

  • Optimizing jQuery Performance

Project and Assignment


·         Introduction to Bootstrap

    • Overview of Bootstrap

    • Installation Methods

·         Container

·         Grid System

·         Height & Width

·         Borders

·         Padding

·         Margin

·         Text

·         Color

·         Background

·         Images

·         Buttons

·         Pagination

·         Card

·         Dropdown

·         Navbar

·         Carousel

·         Flex

·         Forms


Projects And Assignment


Introduction to MERN/MEAN Stack

  • Overview of MERN/MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Angular, Node.js).
  • Understanding the role of each components in MERN/MEAN.

Setting up the Development Environment


Introduction to React

  • What is React?
  • History and Evolution of React
  • Key Features of React
  • Single Page Application (SPA) Concepts
  • Setting Up a React Development Environment
  • Introduction to Create React App

React Basics

  • React Components
  • Functional Components
  • Class Components
  • JSX (JavaScript XML)
  • Props and State
  • Handling Events
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Lists and Keys

Advanced React

  • Lifecycle Methods in Class Components
  • React Hooks
  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useContext
  • Custom Hooks
  • Context API for State Management
  • Error Boundaries

Styling in React

  • CSS in React
  • Inline Styling
  • CSS Modules
  • Styled-Components
  • Using Libraries like Bootstrap and Material-UI

Routing in React

  • Introduction to React Router
  • Setting Up React Router
  • Route, Switch, and Redirect
  • Dynamic Routing
  • Nested Routes
  • URL Parameters and Query Strings
  • Navigation and Link Components

State Management

  • Introduction to State Management
  • Lifting State Up
  • Context API


  • Setting Up Redux
  • Actions, Reducers, and Store
  • Middleware (Thunk, Saga)
  • Connecting React with Redux
  • Redux Toolkit

Forms in React

  • Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
  • Handling Form Events
  • Validating Forms
  • Using Libraries like Formik and Yup

API Integration

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Fetching Data with Fetch API and Axios
  • Handling Asynchronous Operations
  • Error Handling in API Requests
  • Integrating with Backend (Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB)

Authentication and Authorization

  • User Authentication Concepts
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Implementing Authentication in React
  • Protected Routes and Role-Based Access Control

Testing in React

  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing with Jest
  • Component Testing with React Testing Library
  • End-to-End Testing with Cypress
  • Mocking API Calls
  • Performance Optimization
  • Understanding React Performance
  • Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
  • Memoization with React.memo and useMemo
  • Optimizing Rendering with useCallback
  • Profiling and Analysing Performance

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

  • Introduction to PWAs
  • Making a React App a PWA
  • Service Workers
  • Caching Strategies

Deployment and DevOps

  • Building and Optimizing React Apps for Production
  • Deploying React Apps to Platforms (Vercel, Netlify, Heroku)
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Environment Variables and Configuration Management

Advanced Topics

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js
  • Static Site Generation (SSG) with Next.js
  • React Native for Mobile Development
  • Integrating GraphQL with React


Projects And Assignment


Introduction to AngularJS

  • What is AngularJS?
  • History and Evolution of AngularJS
  • Key Features and Benefits
  • Setting Up the Development Environment
  • First AngularJS Application

AngularJS Basics

  • AngularJS MVC Architecture
  • Understanding Modules, Controllers, and Scopes
  • Data Binding in AngularJS
  • Directives and Expressions
  • Filters in AngularJS

Working with Controllers

  • Creating and Using Controllers
  • Controller Scope and Hierarchy
  • Sharing Data between Controllers
  • Controller as Syntax
  • Best Practices for Controllers

Directives in AngularJS

  • Introduction to Directives
  • Built-in Directives (ng-bind, ng-model, ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-hide, etc.)
  • Creating Custom Directives
  • Directive Communication
  • Understanding the Directive Lifecycle

Services and Dependency Injection

  • What are Services?
  • Creating and Using Services
  • Built-in Services ($http, $route, $location, etc.)
  • Dependency Injection in AngularJS
  • Factory vs Service vs Provider

Working with Forms

  • Form Handling in AngularJS
  • Using ng-model for Two-Way Data Binding
  • Form Validation (built-in and custom)
  • Error Handling and Messaging
  • Advanced Form Techniques

Routing and Navigation

  • Introduction to AngularJS Routing
  • Configuring Routes with ngRoute
  • Creating Single Page Applications (SPAs)
  • Nested Routes
  • Route Parameters and Query Strings

HTTP Communication

  • Making HTTP Requests with $http
  • Handling Responses and Errors
  • Using Promises with $q
  • Interceptors in AngularJS
  • Working with RESTful APIs

Filters and Custom Filters

  • Using Built-in Filters
  • Creating Custom Filters
  • Filter Performance Optimization
  • Using Filters in Controllers and Directives
  • Practical Examples of Filters


  • Introduction to Animations in AngularJS
  • Using ngAnimate
  •  Module
  • CSS-based Animations
  • JavaScript Animations
  • Best Practices for Animations

Testing in AngularJS

  • Importance of Testing
  • Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma
  • End-to-End Testing with Protractor
  • Testing Controllers, Services, and Directives
  • Writing Testable Code

Advanced Topics

  • Understanding the Digest Cycle
  • Performance Optimization Techniques
  • Debugging AngularJS Applications
  • AngularJS Best Practices
  • Migrating from AngularJS to Angular


Projects And Assignment

  • Introduction to Vue.js
  • js Fundamentals
  • js Components
  • js Directives and Filters
  • Vue Router
  • State Management with Vuex
  • HTTP Requests and APIs
  • js and ASP.NET Integration
  • Advanced Vue.js Features
  • Testing and Debugging Vue.js Applications
  • Building and Deploying Vue.js Applications

Projects and Assignment


Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
  • Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
  • js Modules and NPM
  • Setting Up a Node.js Server

Introduction to Express.js

  • What is Express.js?
  • Features of Express.js
  • Installing and Setting Up Express.js
  • First Express.js Application
  • Understanding Middleware

Routing in Express.js

  • Introduction to Routing
  • Defining Routes
  • Route Parameters and Query Strings
  • Handling Different HTTP Methods
  • Express Router

Middleware in Express.js

  • What is Middleware?
  • Built-in Middleware
  • Third-party Middleware
  • Custom Middleware
  • Error Handling Middleware

Templating Engines

  • Introduction to Templating Engines
  • Using Pug (formerly Jade)
  • Using EJS (Embedded JavaScript)
  • Rendering Dynamic Content

Working with Databases

  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Setting Up MongoDB
  • CRUD Operations with MongoDB
  • Integrating MongoDB with Express.js
  • Using Mongoose for MongoDB

RESTful API Development

  • What is REST?
  • Principles of RESTful APIs
  • Building a RESTful API with Express.js
  • Handling JSON Data
  • Testing APIs with Postman

Authentication and Authorization

  • Introduction to Authentication
  • Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Implementing User Authentication
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Secure Password Storage with Bcrypt

Error Handling

  • Error Handling in Express.js
  • Handling Synchronous and Asynchronous Errors
  • Creating Custom Error Handlers
  • Centralized Error Handling

File Handling

  • Handling File Uploads
  • Using Multer for File Uploads
  • Serving Static Files
  • File System Operations

Security Best Practices

  • Securing Express.js Applications
  • Preventing Common Security Vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, etc.)
  • Using Helmet for Security
  • Setting Up HTTPS

Performance Optimization

  • Performance Optimization Techniques
  • Caching Strategies
  • Using Redis for Caching
  • Load Balancing

Testing and Debugging

  • Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai
  • Integration Testing with Supertest
  • Debugging Express.js Applications
  • Using Node.js Debugger

Deployment and DevOps

  • Preparing Express.js Applications for Production
  • Deployment Strategies
  • Deploying to Platforms (Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean)
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Projects And Assignment


Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
  • Node.js Architecture
  • V8 JavaScript Engine
  • Event-Driven Programming
  • Non-Blocking, I/O
  • Installing Node.js

Node.js Fundamentals

  • Node.js REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
  • Understanding Node.js Modules
    • Core Modules
    • Local Modules
    • Third-Party Modules
  • Using NPM (Node Package Manager)
  • Creating and Using Modules
  • Module Exports and Imports

File System in Node.js

  • Reading from Files
  • Writing to Files
  • Working with Directories
  • File Streams
  • Asynchronous vs Synchronous File Operations

HTTP and Web Servers

  • Introduction to HTTP Protocol
  • Building a Simple HTTP Server
  • Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Serving Static Files
  • Using URL and Query String Modules

Asynchronous Programming in Node.js

  • Understanding Asynchronous Nature of Node.js
  • Callbacks
  • Promises
  • Async/Await
  • Event Loop and EventEmitter

Working with Databases

  • Introduction to Databases
  • Connecting to MongoDB
  • CRUD Operations with MongoDB
  • Using Mongoose for Schema-Based Solutions
  • Working with Other Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

Express.js Basics

  • Introduction to Express.js
  • Setting Up Express.js
  • Basic Routing
  • Middleware in Express.js
  • Error Handling in Express.js

Building RESTful APIs

  • Introduction to RESTful API
  • RESTful API Design Principles
  • Creating RESTful Endpoints
  • Handling CRUD Operations
  • Data Validation and Sanitization
  • Using Postman for API Testing

Authentication and Authorization

  • Understanding Authentication and Authorization
  • Implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Password Hashing with Bcrypt
  • Protecting Routes
  • Role-Based Access Control

Real-Time Applications

  • Introduction to WebSockets
  • Building Real-Time Applications with
  • Implementing Real-Time Notifications
  • Creating a Real-Time Chat Application

Error Handling and Debugging

  • Handling Errors in Node.js
  • Using Try-Catch for Error Handling
  • Creating Custom Error Classes
  • Debugging Techniques
  • Using Node.js Debugger

Testing Node.js Applications

  • Importance of Testing
  • Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai
  • Integration Testing
  • Mocking Dependencies
  • Code Coverage with Istanbul

Performance Optimization

  • Performance Bottlenecks in Node.js
  • Profiling and Monitoring Node.js Applications
  • Caching Strategies
  • Load Balancing and Clustering

Security Best Practices

  • Securing Node.js Applications
  • Preventing Common Security Vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection)
  • Using Helmet for Security Headers
  • Setting Up HTTPS

Deployment and DevOps

  • Preparing Node.js Applications for Production
  • Environment Variables and Configuration Management
  • Deployment Strategies
  • Deploying to Cloud Platforms (Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean)
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Advanced Topics

  • Building Scalable Microservices with Node.js
  • Using GraphQL with Node.js
  • Serverless Architecture with Node.js
  • Integrating with Third-Party APIs

Projects And Assignment


Core Java

  • Introduction to Java
  • JVM Architecture
  • Java Environment Setup
  • Java Program Setup
  • Variable and Data Types
  • Comments, Constants, Tokens
  • Conditional Statement and Loops
  • Arrays
  • OOPs in Java
  • Java I/O
  • String and String Handling
  • Nested classes
  • Final Keyword
  • Super and Static Keyword
  • Exception and Exception Handling
  • File I/O
  • Multithreading
  • I/O Packages

Projects and Assignment

Advanced Java

  • Applets
  • Collection Framework
  • Java 8 and 9 features
  • JDBC
  • Swing
  • Servlet and JSP
  • Hibernate
  • Spring and Spring Boot
  • Spring Web MVC
  • Spring REST
  • Struts

Projects and Assignment

  • Introduction to Python
  • Syntax & Data Types
  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Conditional Statement
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Date and Time
  • Arrays
  • Packages & Modules
  • Anonymous Function
    • Lambda Function
    • Filter, Map, Reduce
  • File Operation
  • Data Structure
    • Lists
    • Tuples
    • Dictionaries
    • Sets
    • String
    • List, Dictionary, and Set Comprehensions
  • OOPs in python
    • Class, Object, Method
    • Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism
    • Method Overloading and Overriding
    • Constructor and destructor
    • Interface
  • File Handling
  • Exception and Error Handling
  • Multithreading
  • Python I/O
  • Python Regular Expression
  • Standard Library
  • File Manipulation
  • Web Scraping
  • Python GUI
  • Python Libraries
  • Advanced Topics
    • Iterators and Generators
    • Decorators
    • Context Managers
    • Metaprogramming

Projects and Assignments


  • Introduction to Django
  • Django Installing and Configuration
  • Django Integration with Python
  • Django Basics
  • MVC Overview
  • Introduction REST and API
  • Introduction RESTful web services
  • Difference between Django and REST API
  • REST API pre-requisites
  • REST API Configuration and Installation
  • Django Models
  • Django Admin
  • Django Admin Interface
  • Django Views
  • Django Templates
  • Django Forms
  • Django URL Routing
  • URL mapping
  • Django Authentication
  • Django Middleware
  • Django REST Framework (DRF)
  • DRF Advantage and Constraints
  • Serialization and Deserialization
  • Authorization and Authorization
  • Static Files
  • JSON and XML
  • Cookies Handling
  • Session Handling
  • Testing in Django
  • Django Channels
  • Django Security
  • Django Performance Optimization
  • Deploying Django Applications
  • Advanced Django Topics

Projects And Assignment

  • .Net Framework

    • Introduction
    • Types of Application
    • Introduction to Web Application
    • Architecture of .NET
    • Layers and Components
    • Versions of .NET
    • Features of .NET
    • Execution of .NET



    • Programming Language
    • Overview
    • Expression
    • Data Types
    • Variables
    • Decision Statements
    • Loops & Iteration
    • Functions & Methods
    • Namespaces
    • Abstract classes and methods
    • Interface
    • Arrays
    • String Function
    • Collections
    • LINQ
    • Windows Programming
    • Generic Collections
    • Delegates and Events
    • Anonymous Methods
    • Nullable Types
    • Multithreading
    • C# Indexes
    • Assemblies
    • TPL
    • Exceptions and Exception Handling
    • Miscellaneous Concept


    • Difference between ADO.NET and ASP.NET
    • Connected and Disconnected Architecture of ADO.NET
    • Accessing Data with ADO.NET
    • Data providers in ADO.NET
    • DataAdapter, DataSet
    • Data Tables
    • SQL Injection


    Database Programming Using ADO.NET

    • Introduction and Evolution of ADO.NET
    • Understanding the role of managed provider and ADO.NET objects
    • Connecting to Database and Connection pooling
    • Perform Insert, Update and Delete operation
    • Fetching data from database – Executing Select Statements
    • How to implement login facility with database
    • Inserting image into database table
    • Executing Stored Procedure
    • Using Transaction Procedure
    • Using Transaction
    • Managing Data using Dataset
    • Introduction dataset and its Object Model
    • Binding Dataset to Data Grid View
    • Updating changes to database using Data Adapter
    • Using SQL Command Builder
    • Managing data table programmatically
    • Working with Data views
    • Working with Typed Data Set

    OOPs in C#

    • Classes and Objects
    • Encapsulation
    • Getter & Setter
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Partial Classes
    • Static Variable & Static Classes

    Developing gui application using Winforms

    • Basic Controls
    • Panel & Layout
    • MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip and ContextMenuStrip
    • Model and Modeless Dialog boxes
    • Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
    • Form Inheritance
    • Building Login Form
    • Working with Resource Files and Setting
    • Working with Advanced Controls like TreeView and ListView


    • .NET Framework overview
    • Visual studio
    • Developing web application
    • Directory structure of .NET
    • NET Life cycle
    • NET Technology
    • Introduction to MVC
    • net Server controls
    • Master page in
    • Security in
    • Directives in Asp.Net
    • Validations in Asp.Net
    • AJAX Controls in
    • Custom Controls
    • Security Features in .NET
    • Data Caching in .NET
    • Deployment in .NET
    • Data source and Data binding
    • Accessing data in ASP.NET
    • Database connectivity in ASP.NET

    Services In .Net

    • Introduction to Web services
    • Consuming a web service
    • Using session state in a web service
    • Web method attributes properties Mvc Entity Framework

    • Net MVC structure
    • Roles model, View
    • Controllers in ASP.NET MVC
    • Action methods & URLs in MVC
    • Creating application in MVC
    • Razor view engine
    • HTML helper methods
    • Web API in ASP.NET MVC
    • Entity framework with MVC 6.0
    Projects and Assignment
  • Overview of Php

    • Introduction to PHP
    • Syntax and Variables
    • Control Structure
    • Loops
    • Functions and Scope
    • Arrays and Arrays Functions
    • Working with Forms and User Input
    • Form Handling

    Advanced PHP

    • Oops in PHP
      • Classes and Objects
      • Inheritance
      • Encapsulation
      • Polymorphism
    • Namespaces and Autoloading
    • Error and Exception Handling
    • Error tracking and Debugging
    • File Handling
    • Math function
    • File upload and Download
    • E-Mail with PHP
    • Files and Directories
    • State Management
    • Regular Expression
    • Sessions and Cookies
    • PHP configuration file
    • PHP Standard Library (SPL)

    Php Frameworks

    • Introduction to PHP Frameworks
    • Overview of Laravel
    • Setting up Laravel Environment
    • MVC Architecture in Laravel
    • Blade Templating Engine
    • Routing
    • Controllers and Views
    • Blade Templating Engine
    • Eloquent ORM
    • Middleware and Security
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • RESTful API Development with Laravel


    • Introduction to Symfony
      • Bundles and Components
      • Routing and Controllers
    • Twig Templating Engine
    • Doctrine ORM
    • Form Handling and Validation
    • Security and Authentication
    • REST APIs with Symfony


    • Introduction to CodeIgniter
    • Setting up CodeIgniter
    • MVC Architecture
    • Controllers and Views
    • Models
    • Working with Forms
    • Session Management
    • Error Handling and Debugging
    • CodeIgniter Libraries and Helpers
    • RESTful APIs with CodeIgniter

    Fronted and Php Integration

    • Integrating PHP with HTML and CSS
    • AJAX with PHP
    • Handling JSON Data
    • Building Dynamic Web pages
    • Front-end and Back-end Communication

    Authentication and Security

    • User Authentication and Authorization
    • Password hashing
    • Secure session management
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
    • SQL Injection Prevention
    • HTTPs and SSL

    Web Services And APIs

    • Introduction to Web services
    • RESTful API principle
    • Creating RESTful APIs with PHP
    • Consuming APIs in PHP
    • JSON and XML Parsing

    Advanced Topics

    • PHP 8 Features and Enhancements
    • Asynchronous PHP Programming
    • Real time Applications with WebSocket’s
    • Integrating Third party Services and APIs
    • Microservices Architecture with PHP

    Projects and Assignment

  • MySQL

    • Introduction to SQL and MySQL
    • What is SQL?
    • Understanding an RDBMS
    • Introduction to MySQL
    • MySQL Setup & Installation
    • Understanding Databases and Tables
    • Databases
    • Tables, Rows, and Columns
    • Records and Fields
    • Data Types and Basic SQL Commands
    • Crafting SQL Databases and Table Operations
    • Table Creation and Structure
    • Constraints
    • Querying Data and Operators
    • Querying Data
    • Operators
    • Understanding NULL
    • Advanced SQL Functions and Grouping
    • Built-in Functions
    • GROUP BY and HAVING Clause
    • Joins, Sub-queries, and Views
    • SQL Injection
    • Advanced MySQL Features
    • Stored Procedures and Functions
    • Triggers
    • Indexing
    • Transactions


    • Introduction to Databases
      • Overview of SQL vs. NoSQL
      • Introduction and installation of PostgreSQL
    • Getting Started with PostgreSQL
      • Connecting to PostgreSQL
      • Basic SQL commands (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
    • Database Design and Modelling
      • Database design principles
      • Schemas, tables, relationships
      • Primary and foreign keys
      • Normalization
    • Advanced SQL and Query Optimization
      • Joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL)
      • Subqueries and nested queries
    • Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
    • Window functions
    • Indexing and query optimization
    • PostgreSQL Functions and Procedures
      • User-defined functions
      • PL/pgSQL programming
      • Triggers
    • Working with JSON and JSONB
      • Storing and querying JSON data
      • JSON vs. JSONB
      • Indexing JSON data
    • Database Administration and Maintenance
      • User management and roles
      • Permissions and security
      • Backup and restore
      • Maintenance tasks (VACUUM, ANALYZE)
    • Transactions and Concurrency Control
      • ACID properties
      • Transaction management
      • Isolation levels
      • Handling deadlocks
    • Connecting PostgreSQL with Python
      • Using psycopg2
      • CRUD operations
      • Parameterized queries
      • SQLAlchemy ORM
    • Advanced Topics
      • Partitioning and sharding
      • Full-text search
      • Arrays and composite types
      • PostGIS for geospatial data


    ·         Introduction to MS-SQL

    • Overview of MS-SQL Server
    • SQL Server Editions and Versions
    • Installation and Configuration of SQL Server
    • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Overview

    ·         Database Fundamentals

    • Understanding Databases
    • Database Design and Modeling
    • Data Types and Schemas
    • Creating, Altering, and Dropping Databases

    ·         Tables and Data Types

    • Creating and Modifying Tables
    • Defining Primary and Foreign Keys
    • Constraints: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK
    • Understanding Data Types and Usage

    ·         T-SQL Basics

    • Introduction to T-SQL
    • Filtering Data using WHERE Clause
    • Sorting Data using ORDER BY
    • Grouping Data using GROUP BY and HAVING

    ·         Advanced T-SQL

    • Subqueries and Nested Queries
    • Common Table Expressions (CTE)
    • Window Functions: ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, NTILE
    • Working with XML and JSON data

    ·         Stored Procedures and Functions

    • Creating and Using Stored Procedures
    • User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
    • Error Handling and Exception Management in T-SQL
    • Transactions and Locking Mechanisms

    ·         Indexes and Performance Tuning

    • Understanding Indexes: Clustered and Non-Clustered
    • Creating and Managing Indexes
    • Index Optimization Techniques
    • Query Performance Tuning and Execution Plans
    • Understanding and Using SQL Profiler

    ·         Views and Triggers

    • Creating and Managing Views
    • Using Views in ASP.NET Applications
    • Introduction to Triggers
    • Creating and Using DML Triggers

    ·         Security and Permissions

    • SQL Server Security Model
    • User Authentication and Authorization
    • Managing Database Roles and Permissions
    • Securing Data using Encryption

    ·         Backup and Recovery

    • Understanding Backup Types: Full, Differential, Transaction Log
    • Performing Database Backups
    • Restoring Databases from Backups
    • Disaster Recovery Planning

    ·         Advanced Topics

    • Working with SQL Server Agent and Jobs
    • Automation of SQL Server Tasks
    • Data Import and Export Techniques
    • Replication and Log Shipping
    • High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) Solutions

    ·         Integration with ASP.NET

    • Connecting ASP.NET Applications to MS-SQL Server
    • Using Entity Framework with MS-SQL
    • Performing CRUD Operations with MS-SQL and ASP.NET
    • Handling Transactions in ASP.NET Applications

    Implementing Data Security in ASP.NET Applications

    • Introduction to NoSQL
    • What is NoSQL?
    • Types of NoSQL databases
    • Difference between SQL and NoSQL
    • Introduction to MongoDB
    • What is MongoDB?
    • Features and benefits of MongoDB
    • MongoDB architecture and components
    • Installing MongoDB
    • Data Types and MongoDB Basics
    • Data Types in MongoDB
    • Using MongoDB Shell
    • CRUD Operations in MongoDB
    • Performing CRUD operations
    • Advanced CRUD Operations
    • MongoDB Atlas and Compass
    • Aggregates in MongoDB
    • Introduction to Aggregates
    • Common aggregation stages
    • Using Aggregation Operators
  • Introduction to ORM
  • Getting Started with Hibernate
  • Basic CRUD Operations with Hibernate
  • Associations and Relationships
  • Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
  • Criteria API and QueryDSL
  • Transactions and Concurrency
  • Caching in Hibernate
  • Performance Tuning and Optimization
  • Integrating Hibernate with Spring
  • Advanced Topics
  • Introduction to NoSQL and MongoDB

    • What is NoSQL?
    • Differences between SQL and NoSQL
    • Advantages of NoSQL Databases
    • Introduction to MongoDB
    • MongoDB Architecture
    • Installing MongoDB

    MongoDB Basics

    • MongoDB Database and Collections
    • Documents in MongoDB
    • CRUD Operations
      • Create Operations
      • Read Operations
      • Update Operations
      • Delete Operations
    • Data Types in MongoDB

    MongoDB Shell

    • Introduction to MongoDB Shell
    • Basic Commands in MongoDB Shell
    • Using MongoDB Shell for CRUD Operations
    • Querying Data in MongoDB Shell

    Advanced Querying in MongoDB

    • Query Operators
    • Projection
    • Sorting
    • Limiting and Skipping Results
    • Aggregation Framework
      • Aggregation Pipeline
      • Using $match, $group, $project, $sort, $limit, $lookup, etc.

    Indexing in MongoDB

    • Introduction to Indexes
    • Creating Indexes
    • Types of Indexes (Single Field, Compound, Multikey, Text, Geospatial)
    • Indexing Strategies
    • Index Management and Performance Optimization

    MongoDB Data Modelling

    • Schema Design and Data Modelling Concepts
    • Embedding vs Referencing
    • One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many Relationships
    • Designing Data Models for Real-World Scenarios

    Working with Mongoose

    • Introduction to Mongoose
    • Setting Up Mongoose with Node.js
    • Defining Mongoose Schemas and Models
    • CRUD Operations with Mongoose
    • Mongoose Middleware (Pre and Post Hooks)
    • Validation in Mongoose

    Aggregation and Data Processing

    • Using Aggregation Pipeline in Mongoose
    • Data Transformation and Computation
    • Grouping and Aggregating Data
    • Advanced Aggregation Techniques

    Transactions in MongoDB

    • Introduction to Transactions
    • Multi-Document ACID Transactions
    • Implementing Transactions in MongoDB
    • Using Transactions with Mongoose

    MongoDB Atlas

    • Introduction to MongoDB Atlas
    • Setting Up a Cluster in MongoDB Atlas
    • Connecting to MongoDB Atlas
    • Database Deployment and Management in the Cloud

    Security and Authentication

    • Security Best Practices
    • User Authentication and Authorization
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Encrypting Data
    • Backup and Restore Procedures

    Performance Tuning and Optimization

    • Analysing Query Performance
    • Profiling and Monitoring MongoDB
    • Optimizing Queries and Indexes
    • Scaling MongoDB
      • Sharding
      • Replica Sets

    Integration with MERN Stack

    • Connecting MongoDB with Express.js
    • Building RESTful APIs with MongoDB
    • Integration with React and Node.js
    • Best Practices for Full Stack Development with MongoDB

    Projects And Assignment

  • Introduction to Deployment

    • Understanding Deployment
    • Importance of deployment in Web Development
    • Overview of Deployment platforms
    • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

    Preparing MERN Application for Deployment

    • Environment Configuration
    • Production build for React Application
    • Optimizing Node.js and Express.js for production
    • Database Configuration for production

    Deployment on Heroku

    • Introduction to Heroku
    • Setting Up a Heroku Account
    • Creating and Configuration Heroku App
    • Deploying MERN Application to Heroku
    • Managing environment variables on Heroku
    • Using Heroku Add-ons

    Cloud Deployment with AWS

    • Introduction to AWS Services
    • Setting up an AWS Account
    • Deploying MERN Application using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    • Configuring AWS RDS for MongoDB
    • Using AWS S3 to Static assets
    • Managing environment variable on AWS
    • Cloud Foundation and Global Infrastructure
    • AWS Global Infrastructure
    • Billing and Cost Management
    • Security
    • Networking and Content Delivery
    • Compute Service
    • Storage Services

    Cloud Deployment with Azure

    • Introduction to Azure Services
    • Deploying MERN Stack on Azure App Services
    • Using Azure Blob Storage for Static Files
    • Setting Up Azure SQL Database
    • Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps

    Deployment on Docker

    • Introduction to Docker
    • Creating Docker image for MERN Application
    • Writing Dockerfile for Node.js and React
    • Using Docker Compose for Multi- Container Application
    • Deploying Docker Containers on Cloud platform
    • Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
    • CI/CD in AWS: Overview and CodeCommit
    • AWS CI/CD Tools
    • Fundamentals of DevOps
    • DevOps Principles and Automation Tools
    • Configuration Management with Ansible
    • Linux Fundamentals
    • Bash Scripting Basics
    • DevOps Project: Hosting a Website
    • Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
    • CI/CD in AWS: Overview and CodeCommit
    • AWS CI/CD Tools

    Deployment on Kubernetes

    • Introduction to Kubernetes
    • Setting up Kubernetes cluster
    • Creating Kubernetes Manifests for MERN Application
    • Deploying MERN Application on Kubernetes
    • Managing Scaling and Load Balancing
    • Using helm for Kubernetes deployment

    Deployment on DigitalOcean

    • Introduction to DigitalOcean
    • Setting Up a DigitalOcean Account
    • Creating and Configuring Droplets
    • Deploying MERN Application on DigitalOcean
    • Using DigitalOcean Managed Databases for MongoDB
    • Configuring DNS and SSL

    Deployment on Google Cloud Platform

    • Introduction to GCP
    • Setting Up a GCP Account
    • Deploying MERN Application using Google App Engine
    • Configuring Google Cloud Storage for static assets
    • Using Google Cloud Firestore for Database
    • Managing Environment Variable on GCP

    Version Control with Git and GitHub

    • Introduction to Version Control and Git
    • Working with Branches
    • Remote Repositories and GitHub Basics
    • Collaboration with GitHub
    • Advanced Git Concepts
    • Git Tools and Customization
    • Continuous Integration and Deployment
    • GitHub Advanced Features
    • Best Practices and Troubleshooting

    Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

    • Introduction to CI/CD
    • Setting Up CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions
    • Automated Testing and Deployment
    • Monitoring and Logging
    • Rollback Strategies

    Serverless Deployment

    • Introduction to Serverless Architecture
    • Deploying MERN Applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
    • Using Serverless Framework
    • Setting Up Serverless Functions

    Security and Performance Optimization

    • Securing MERN Application
    • Using HTTPS and SSL Certificates
    • Performance Optimization Techniques
    • Caching Strategies
    • Monitoring Application Performance

    Projects And Assignment

    • Introduction to Testing and Debugging
    • Testing Principle and Processes
    • Types of Testing
    • Testing in Node.js
    • Testing in Express.js
    • Testing in React
    • Testing in Angular
    • Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma / JUnit / PHPUnit and PHPStan / xUnit and NUnit /
    • JS Testing with Jest and Mocha
    • Integration Testing using Unittest or pytest
    • End-to-End (E2E) Testing with Protractor
    • Testing in Node.js and Express
    • Testing MongoDB Operations
    • End-to-End Testing
    • Testing MongoDB
    • Test Automation
    • Testing REST API using Postman
    • Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Java / PHP / Python
    • Continuous Integration and Testing
    • Debugging Techniques
    • Performance Testing
    • Security Testing
    • Mocking and Stubbing
  • Introduction to Monolith Architecture
  • Monolith Application Deployment Process
  • Introduction to Load Balancing
  • Drawbacks of Monolith Architecture
  • Introduction to Microservices
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Microservices
  • Case Study: Microservices Implementation
  • Identifying Microservices Boundaries
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Microservices Development
  • Advanced Microservices Topics
  • Fundamentals of DevOps
  • DevOps Principles and Automation Tools
  • Configuration Management with Ansible
  • Linux Fundamentals
  • Bash Scripting Basics
  • DevOps Project: Hosting a Website
  • Introduction to Agile
  • Introduction to Scrum
  • Scrum Roles and Responsibilities
  • Scrum Artifacts
  • Scrum Events in Detail
  • Advanced Scrum Practices
  • Agile Planning and Estimation
  • Agile Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Agile Tools and Technologies
  • Projects And Assignment

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Why Choose HITMI Institute for Diploma in Full Stack Developer Course

Project & Assignments

Our program gives you lots of practical skills and knowledge for real-world situations. You'll work on real projects and tasks to learn effectively.

100% Job Assurance

Explore HITMI's commitment to securing your career with us. Take the opportunity to experience our quality training firsthand & gain confidence in our 100% job assurance

Expert Mentorship

Get valuable guidance and unwavering support from experienced mentors who are dedicated to assisting you throughout your journey to success.

Hands on Experience

Our approach is practical, offering hands-on experience with live, interactive training. This lets you utilize what you learn in real-time situations.

Work on Live Projects

Our emphasis lies in honing practical skills and enhancing real-world capabilities. You'll engage in live projects, crafting a strong portfolio for your future career pursuits.

Recognized Certification

Upon successfully finishing our course, you'll receive a widely recognized certification, paving the way for numerous career opportunities in India and globally.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the Master in Full Stack Development course?

The course duration is two years, offering advanced training and hands-on experience in full stack development.

Do I need prior programming experience to enroll?

While basic knowledge of programming is beneficial, our course is designed to accommodate both beginners and those looking to enhance their existing skills.

Will I receive a certification after completing the course?

Yes, upon successful completion, you will receive an industry-recognized certification validating your skills as a Master Full Stack Developer.

What kind of projects will I work on during the course?

You will participate in over 10 real-world projects, helping you build a robust portfolio and gain practical experience.

Is job placement assistance available after the course?

Yes, we offer job placement assistance and career counseling to help you secure rewarding opportunities in the web development field.