Government Recognised Computer Training Institute

Diploma in Graphic and Web Designing

Enroll in HITMI’s premier Diploma in Graphic and Web Designing and enhance your expertise as a skilled website developer and graphic designer. Through our interactive training, you’ll gain proficiency in both front-end and back-end technologies crucial for crafting dynamic websites and engaging web applications.

Experience a plethora of advantages, including participation in over 10 real-world design and development projects, access to industry-recognized certification programs, personalized mentorship from seasoned professionals, and more with HITMI’s comprehensive Diploma in Graphic and Web Designing. Enquire today and embark on your journey towards achieving professional excellence!

Benefits Obtained :

About Graphic and Web Designing

The Diploma in Graphic and Web Designing offered at HITMI is a comprehensive program that combines the essential skills of graphic design with the fundamentals of web development. Designed to equip students with a holistic understanding of visual communication and digital presence creation, this diploma course covers a wide range of topics essential for success in the dynamic fields of graphic design and web development.

Throughout the program, students delve into the intricacies of graphic design, learning about design principles, color theory, typography, and visual hierarchy. They develop proficiency in industry-standard graphic design software, gaining hands-on experience in creating visually engaging materials such as logos, brochures, posters, and digital graphics.

Simultaneously, students explore the realm of web development, mastering front-end technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They learn to design and develop responsive, user-friendly websites that meet modern design standards and user expectations. Additionally, students delve into back-end tools such as PHP and MySQL, enabling them to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

Taught by seasoned industry professionals, the Diploma in Graphic and Web Designing emphasizes practical learning through hands-on projects. Students work on real-world design briefs and web development tasks, honing their skills and building a professional portfolio that showcases their abilities to potential employers.

By the end of the diploma course, graduates emerge as well-rounded professionals proficient in both graphic design and web development. Armed with the latest tools, frameworks, and techniques, they are prepared to embark on successful careers in the thriving fields of graphic and web design, ready to make a meaningful impact in the industry. Join HITMI’s Diploma in Graphic and Web Designing today to unlock your potential and kickstart a rewarding career in visual communication and digital media.

What you'll learn

This course includes

Syllabus of Our Diploma in Designing and Web Designing Course Mumbai

Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to encompass a well-structured and comprehensive approach, aligning with the latest trends and adhering strictly to industry standards.

Syllabus Module
  • Corel Draw
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Dreamweaver
  • Bootstrap
  • AngularJS
  • Assignments and projects.

Course Curriculum

Corel Draw
  1. Introduction to CorelDRAW:
    • Understanding the interface
    • Working with documents and pages
    • Using basic tools and functions
  2. Vector Graphics:
    • Creating and editing shapes
    • Working with nodes and curves
    • Applying fills and outlines
    • Using the pen tool and bezier curves
  3. Text and Typography:
    • Adding and formatting text
    • Creating text effects and styles
    • Using artistic text and paragraph text
  4. Advanced Features:
    • Working with layers and objects
    • Applying special effects and filters
    • Using the Blend and PowerClip tools
    • Working with templates and presets
  1. Introduction to Photoshop:
    • Understanding the Photoshop workspace
    • Working with images and layers
    • Basic image editing techniques
  2. Image Editing and Retouching:
    • Cropping, resizing, and rotating images
    • Adjusting colors, brightness, and contrast
    • Removing blemishes and imperfections
    • Using selection tools and masks
  3. Special Effects and Filters:
    • Applying filters and effects
    • Creating photo montages and compositions
    • Adding text and shapes
    • Using layer styles and blending modes
  4. Advanced Techniques:
    • Working with brushes and patterns
    • Creating HDR images
    • 3D modeling and texturing
    • Batch processing and automation
  1. Introduction to Illustrator:
    • Understanding vector graphics
    • Navigating the Illustrator workspace
    • Using basic shapes and drawing tools
  2. Creating Vector Artwork:
    • Drawing and editing paths
    • Working with brushes and strokes
    • Using the Pen and Pencil tools
    • Creating shapes and patterns
  3. Typography and Text Effects:
    • Adding and formatting text
    • Creating text effects and styles
    • Using type on a path
  4. Advanced Illustration Techniques:
    • Working with gradients and meshes
    • Using the Shape Builder tool
    • Creating complex illustrations
    • Exporting artwork for print and web
  1. Introduction to InDesign:
    • Understanding the InDesign workspace
    • Creating and managing documents
    • Working with pages and master pages
  2. Layout Design:
    • Placing and formatting text
    • Importing and editing images
    • Creating and formatting tables
    • Using styles and templates
  3. Interactive Documents:
    • Adding hyperlinks and bookmarks
    • Creating buttons and forms
    • Adding multimedia elements
    • Exporting interactive PDFs and eBooks
  1. Introduction to HTML5:
    • Understanding the structure of HTML documents
    • Creating HTML documents using semantic markup
    • Using HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, and links
  2. HTML5 Elements and Attributes:
    • Exploring new HTML5 elements (header, footer, nav, section, article, etc.)
    • Using attributes like data-* for custom data attributes
    • Understanding the role of HTML5 in web development
  3. Forms and Input Elements:
    • Creating forms using HTML5 form elements
    • Using new input types (email, tel, date, etc.)
    • Implementing form validation using HTML5 attributes
  4. Multimedia and Graphics:
    • Embedding audio and video using the <audio> and <video> elements
    • Working with the <canvas> element for drawing graphics
    • Using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) for scalable and interactive graphics
  5. Web Storage and Offline Applications:
    • Understanding Web Storage (localStorage and sessionStorage)
    • Working with the Application Cache for creating offline web applications
    • Implementing offline storage and caching strategies
  1. Introduction to CSS3:
    • Understanding the role of CSS in web development
    • Writing CSS rules and selectors
    • Linking CSS stylesheets to HTML documents
  2. CSS3 Selectors and Properties:
    • Exploring advanced CSS3 selectors (attribute selectors, pseudo-classes, etc.)
    • Using new CSS3 properties (border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, etc.)
    • Applying gradients, transformations, and animations with CSS3
  3. Responsive Web Design:
    • Understanding the principles of responsive web design
    • Using media queries for creating responsive layouts
    • Implementing flexible grids and fluid layouts
  4. Flexbox and Grid Layout:
    • Understanding CSS Flexbox and Grid Layout
    • Creating flexible and responsive layouts using Flexbox
    • Building complex grid-based layouts with Grid Layout
  5. CSS Preprocessors:
    • Introduction to CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS
    • Writing modular and maintainable CSS using preprocessors
    • Using features like variables, mixins, and nested rules
  1. Introduction to JavaScript:
    • Understanding the role of JavaScript in web development
    • Writing JavaScript code in HTML documents
    • Basics of variables, data types, and operators in JavaScript
  2. Control Structures and Functions:
    • Working with conditional statements (if, else, switch)
    • Using loops (for, while, do-while) for repetitive tasks
    • Defining and calling functions in JavaScript
  3. DOM Manipulation:
    • Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
    • Accessing and modifying HTML elements using JavaScript
    • Handling events and event listeners
  4. JavaScript Objects and Arrays:
    • Working with objects and arrays in JavaScript
    • Creating and manipulating arrays
    • Defining and accessing properties and methods of JavaScript objects
  5. Asynchronous JavaScript:
    • Introduction to asynchronous programming concepts
    • Working with asynchronous operations using callbacks, promises, and async/await
    • Making HTTP requests using the XMLHttpRequest object and Fetch API
  6. Error Handling and Debugging:
    • Handling errors with try…catch statements
    • Debugging JavaScript code using browser developer tools
    • Best practices for writing clean and maintainable JavaScript code
  • Introduction to jQuery
  • Syntax
  • Selectors & Events
  • jQuery hide/show effect
  • jQuery Fade effect
  • jQuery Slide effect
  • jQuery Animate effect
  • jQuery Stop & Callback effect
  • jQuery Chaining effect
  • Get & Set
  • Add & Remove
  • Assignments
Angular JS
  • Introduction of AngularJS
  • MVC Architecture
  • First Application
  • Directives & Custom Directives
  • Expressions
  • Filters
  • Forms
  • Include
  • Ajax
  • Scope & Service
  • Dependency Injection
  • Internalizations
  • Assignments
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Containers & Basic Grid
  • Typography
  • Colors
  • Tables & Images
  • Jumbotron
  • Alerts & Tabs
  • Buttons & Button Groups
  • Badges
  • Progress Bars & Spinners
  • List Groups & Cards
  • Dropdowns & Collapse
  • Navs & Navbar
  • Forms & Custom Forms
  • Input & Input Groups
  • Carousel & Modal
  • Tooltip & Toast
  • Popovers & Scrollspy
  • Flex & Icons
  • Assignments
  • Introduction
  • What is Adobe Dreamweaver?
  • Distinguishable Features
  • Powerful Built-in Code Editor
  • Building a Website
  • Building a Website Using a Dreamweaver Template
  • Preview Your Live Website
  • Adding More Pages in Website
  • How to Update Link and Font Color
  • How to Use EM Measurement for the Fonts
  • Why Do We Use EM’s?
  • Assignments
Assignments & Projects
  1. Practical Application:
    • Hands-on assignments covering concepts learned in each course module
    • Real-world scenarios to solve using CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Dreamweaver, Bootstrap, and AngularJS
  2. Project Work:
    • Larger projects integrating multiple skills learned throughout the courses
    • Designing websites, creating digital artwork, and developing interactive web applications
    • Presentation of projects to simulate real-world scenarios and enhance communication skills.

Enquire Now!

Why Choose HITMI Institute for Graphic & Web Designing Course

Project & Assignments

Our program gives you lots of practical skills and knowledge for real-world situations. You'll work on real projects and tasks to learn effectively.

100% Job Assurance

Explore HITMI's commitment to securing your career with us. Take the opportunity to experience our quality training firsthand & gain confidence in our 100% job assurance

Expert Mentorship

Get valuable guidance and unwavering support from experienced mentors who are dedicated to assisting you throughout your journey to success.

Hands on Experience

Our approach is practical, offering hands-on experience with live, interactive training. This lets you utilize what you learn in real-time situations.

Work on Live Projects

Our emphasis lies in honing practical skills and enhancing real-world capabilities. You'll engage in live projects, crafting a strong portfolio for your future career pursuits.

Recognized Certification

Upon successfully finishing our course, you'll receive a widely recognized certification, paving the way for numerous career opportunities in India and globally.


Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in the Diploma in Graphic & Web Designing course?

You will learn graphic design principles, web design fundamentals, and how to use tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and web design software.


Is this course suitable for beginners?

Yes, this course is suitable for beginners as well as those looking to enhance their design skills.


How long is the duration of this course?

The course typically spans six months.


Will I be able to create a professional portfolio by the end of the course?

Yes, the course includes project work that will help you create a professional portfolio.


Do you provide any job placement assistance after the course?

Yes, we offer job placement assistance, including resume building and interview preparation.


Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this course?

There are no prerequisites; anyone with an interest in graphic and web design can enroll.


Will I receive a diploma certificate upon completion?

Yes, you will receive a diploma certificate upon successful completion of the course.